
Cliff & Max

Some nice sounds from on the most profound groups in jazz history Clifford Brown & Max Roach Quintet, the song "Gerkin for Perkin."

This song is a particular favorite of mine, specifically because it has demanding rhythmic interplay between the rhythm section and the horn melody. Everyone has to have their time feel totally together and know where all the different rhythm hits are in order to keep this clever arrangement from falling apart. Everyone should learn the melody, so the lead sheet has the melody but also shows where the rhythm hits fall.

This quintet had been together for 6 months before Clifford decided to drop this little rhythmic gem on them to see what would happen. This one will keep any group honest: everyone must feel the time together or you're in big trouble.

Learning this tune would be a great exercise for any instrumentalist tryint to get their group sound together.

You can find the lead sheet here:  Clifford Brown & Max Roach - Gerkin for Perkin